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April 24th 2023, remember that date. In my opinion it is the nicest weather in South Australia’s history. A dead calm 28 degree day. Not so special I hear you say? What made it so remarkable is the sun, the late April sun just has no bite. It made for the perfect day to paddle around Port Hughes and photograph the ripples under the surface. Incredibly the water in this shot is 2 of 3 metres deep, just so crystal clear and clean.
I flicked the image to our family group chat, I tend to do that when I get a photo I like. My girls tend to be pretty harsh critics, so when I found out they both set it as their screen saver I was pretty chuffed. Of course I didn’t let on that I was chuffed, need to keep the cool dad persona.
I’ve included a link further on in the blog post where you can download the photo and set it as your homepage image.
Right click on the links below to download a ‘Port Hughes Ripple’ screen saver. I’ve also included a link to purchase the A2 image.
This image is really well suited to a huge canvas. My shop only includes the A2 print option, but like all my images I can supply them in any format, so please get in touch if you want to get this one on a canvas.
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