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Not that long ago we were running around the land with spears and loin cloths, back then a quick decision was a good decision. Writing down pros and cons and analysing the unfolding situation might work well in today’s concrete jungle, but the human brain hasn’t caught up with modern civilisation just yet.
There is often little difference between companies on paper. Take accountants for example, their websites rattle on with all these qualifications and experience, to us non accountants they all sort of seem the same.
So for most viewers it is straight to the headshots.
If this sounds crazy, have a look at your Google Analytics, if you are in a service industry I can almost guarantee this is your number one page.
So you now know how important your headshot is? Well, there is more to the story. The human brain is also hard wired to not change a decision. If that lion is on your tail, switching to plan B and acknowledging the failure of plan A is a tough call to make.
Whether it’s a one of headshot or you need your entire company, please get in touch. I haven’t put any pricing on here, because that will depend on quantity and location, but I can go as low as a few dollars a headshot for volume operations. Ask me about my record of 240 in 3 hours!
I’ve also got a handy 9 page document of examples and ideas, unfortunately I can’t share it publicly on my website, but i’m happy to supply it via email.
Please get in touch, [email protected] or 0412 601 509
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